Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Theo 201

The word Bible derives from the Greek Biblia, which means books. Book really meant a scroll in the ancient World. The bible is Composed of 24 books divided into three sections:

1 Torah (law)
2 Prophets
3 writings

- Jewish Bible : Tanak
- Tanak and The new testament
- The first ten books of the Tanak Genesis -Kings

The Torah (GenesiS, Levitcus, Numbers and Deuteronomy)begins with a pre -history , including accounts of cosmic origins, the first humans, a disastrous flood, restoration after the flood, and the Spread of humanity.

The New testament begins with four works known as Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke,and John). Each is a narrative of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazarth, proclaiming him to be the Christ, which means The anointed one (messiah) who fulfills the promises made by God to Isreal and the son of God.

Today, I watched this clip - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4fiu1iFeYg

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