Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Conclusion and Premise

Conclusion: In logic the statement in an argumement that is intended to be established by the

Premises: In logic, a statement in an argument used to established a conclusion

Is it deccriptive or does it Contain an argument?

How to know whether or not you have an argument:

Conclusion Indicators
Premise Indicators

Inference - The mental process of moving from the premises of an argument to the conclusion

Is it Good or bad?
What is the logic of this argument?

Logic's concern is the relationship between the Premises and the Conclusion.

Here's an example of a flawed argument: no logical connection:

P1 All Rubies are Red.

P2 All sapphires are Blue

All Emeralds are Green.

There was no Previous Statement about emeralds.

All premises must be true for a good argument.

Two types of problems:

1 Language , vagueness and ambiguity

2 Logic (deductive or inductive or abductive)

3 Truth value - is it True or False

Deductive argument: An argument that claims to lead from the premises to the conclusion in a necessary way.

Two things needed for a deductive Argument - True premise and valid argument form.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Theo 201

The word Bible derives from the Greek Biblia, which means books. Book really meant a scroll in the ancient World. The bible is Composed of 24 books divided into three sections:

1 Torah (law)
2 Prophets
3 writings

- Jewish Bible : Tanak
- Tanak and The new testament
- The first ten books of the Tanak Genesis -Kings

The Torah (GenesiS, Levitcus, Numbers and Deuteronomy)begins with a pre -history , including accounts of cosmic origins, the first humans, a disastrous flood, restoration after the flood, and the Spread of humanity.

The New testament begins with four works known as Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke,and John). Each is a narrative of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazarth, proclaiming him to be the Christ, which means The anointed one (messiah) who fulfills the promises made by God to Isreal and the son of God.

Today, I watched this clip -

Monday, September 21, 2009

Philo Notes

Logic - A tool to use, in order to better critize what you read and hear.

Premises - Giving reasons when fromulating an arguement. It is important to suppot original claim

The original Claim becomes the conclusion of the arguement.

1- Can be acceptable in various ways

2- In various ways they can fail

Logic of the arguement Questions:

Is it merely descriptive or does it contain an arguement?

How to know if whether or not you have an arguement?

Conclusion Indicators

Premise Indicators

Friday, September 18, 2009

Philosophy200: The course's Importance,Benefits & Main Objectives

The Scope of philosophy's Impact in your life: Philosophy is of immense value to each of you as a student, in your professional career, and your daily existence.

The valuable skills learned from and improved by philosophy: Philosophy makes you a better thinker.

Ethical wisdom: Philosophy also offers you an opportuntity to be a better human being in treatment of others. You will learn the importance of ethical thinking and ethical action, and the challenges posed by ethically issues.

Important Words and Their Definitions

LOGIC: The branch of philosophy that systmatically studies correct and incorrect inferences.

ETHICS: The branch of philosophy that studies right conduct and charater includes normative ethics and meta ethics

KNOWLEDGE: Familiarity awareness, or understanding gained through experince or study.

MIND: The problem of explaning how the mind, soul , self and body are related and can interact, if they are two fundamentally different kinds of kinds of reality.

EXISTENTIALISM: a school of philosophy holding that human beings create their own nature by their free choices

Wednesday, September 16, 2009



My name is Jonathan stel. Iam 22 years old . This is my 4th year at St. Mary's university college. This semester, I am taking Philosophy 200 and Theology 201.

I have a dog named Raz. I take very good care of my dog. I also work @ winners's.

Please enjoy my blog!
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